戼⁲㸯 CHRISTMAS WISH is a cursive monoline script that has a calligraphy version as well.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 This version is free for personal use.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 Full version contains terminals and ligatures for better connection and more natural flow, Eastern and Western European language accented characters.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 For full version and commercial license please contact me or visit戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 http://store.rolandhuse.com戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 For additional customisations (for logotypes for example) please email me at戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 contact@rolandhuse.com戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 You MAY NOT sell this font or claim them as your own.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 You MAY NOT edit or rename this font.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 You MAY NOT redistribute this font.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 Thank you I hope you like this font & good luck with your project!戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 Roland戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 Instagram: @rolandhusedesign戼⁲㸯