Thank you for downloading the Commodore 64 Font!

The first computer I ever owned was a great little 8-bit wonder called the
Commodore 64. Due to the hours upon hours I spent both playing games and
learning to program (at age 12 in 1986) I gained a love for computers.

Needless to say, I created a true type font that mimics the machine's
character set. Each symbol that was present on the original Commodore 64
computer is available in the font.

I added a number of dingbats when possible. The "3D" pictures of the
Commodore 64 and 1541 Disk Drive were created from photos of my system.
A number of the dingbats are based on other dingbats available on the

Anyway, please enjoy.

Devin D. Cook

Revision History

Version 6.3

* Updated embedding flags

Version 6.22

* I made a few very minor changes to a couple of characters

* The postscript names were fixed - I didn't have all the characters
named properly.

Version 6.21

* The metrics for the font were perfected.

* The settings for the underline and strikethru effects (added by
Windows) were set correctly.

* The characters for the curly brackets were modified

* The font is now properly mapped to the Windows Symbol platform
and the Macintosh Latin platforms.

* Each character is now properly aligned and characters fit snugly
togather on different lines. This allows you to create Commodore

* I updated the Commodore Logo - which was slightly incorrect in the last

* I rearranged all the dingbats

* The Windows Logo was replaced with the Commodore logo on all the dingbats.
The font still has all the stand-alone dingbats from version 5.2

* The simple dingbats for the C64 and 1541 Disk Drive were fixed.

* The Pac-Man dingbats were fixed

* Atari logo was fixed

* The Amiga symbol was added.

* The mouse graphic was made "white" and the Commodore logo was added

* A number of new dingbats were added. Some of the company names were
removed to make room. The new characters are as follows: "White" Commodore
logo, Computer Key, Seal, Mousepad, Sign, Gift, Muscle, Framed Logo, Note,
Award, Logo in a Circle, and a computer monitor.

Version 5.2

* I fixed an error in the uppercase "M" and all characters were aligned.

Version 5.0 - The Following was added

* Commodore & Amiga logos

* Simple Commodore 64 & 1541 Disk Drive

* Commodore 64 and 1541 Disk Drive simple icons

* Commodore 64 and 1541 Disk Drive (created from ACTUAL photos of my system)

* 5.25" disk in Commodore sleeve and 5.25" without

* "READY." prompt

* Commodore 64 logo

* Mouse

* Pac-Man (facing 4 directions), ghosts (Inky, Blinky, Pinky & Clyde),
pellets, Pac-Man logo

* Logos for Intel Inside, Microsoft, Windows, Internet Explorer

* Common windows (one with a Windows logo), folders, documents, disks ...

* Minimize, Maximize, Normalize, Close icons

* Apple logo, Macintosh logo, Mac-OS, Macintosh boot, Apple disk, Quicktime

* Logos for other companies:
Microtek, AST, Atari, Sun, Franklin, iomega, Xerox, HP, IBM, Fugitsu,
Epson, Acer, Compaq, Intel, 3 Com, NEC, Digital, Seagate, Novell,
Canon, NeXt