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Fonts License

The license type of a font determines how you may use it.

Personal Use typically refers to any use that is not meant to generate profit, such as:


Graphic design for personal websites, blogs, etc..

Flyers or invitations to friends and family

Churches, charities, or non-profit organizations

Making T-shirt for yourself or friends at no charge

Commercial Use is for companies or individuals that may profit from the use of the font, such as the following cases:

Flyer or poster for an event that charges admission

Printing a T-shirt that you will be selling

Text or graphics in a book

Graphic design work (logo, business card, website)

And any other situations where you are getting paid

In the majority of the licenses, the font designer or author still retains Copyright, which means that you are not allowed to sell the font itself or claim it as your own.

Freeware, Non-Commercial
In most cases, you may purchase a commercial license for a small fee or a donation to the creator –   Personal Use

Freeware – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Freeware, commercial use requires donation –   Personal Use

Demo – Personal Use

Public Domain  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Unknown License – Personal Use

SIL Open Font License (OFL) – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Shareware | Shareware, Non-Commercial

Try before you buy. Similar to Freeware, Non-Commercial, but any continued use of the font means you should buy a license.  – Personal Use

Creative Commons (by-sa) Attribution Share Alike – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Creative Commons (by-nc-nd) Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

GPL  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Creative Commons (by) Attribution – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Creative Commons (by-nc-sa) Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Creative Commons (by-nc) Attribution Non-commercial – Personal Use

Creative Commons (by-nd) Attribution No Derivatives  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Apache License 2.0  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Postcardware  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Design Science License  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

GUST Font Licence (GFL)  – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Ubuntu Font License 1.0 – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

LGPL – Free to use for both Personal and Commercial

Regardless of the license, if you use a font and enjoy it please consider making a small donation (anything helps) to the font author.